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I noticed that every review that had a complaint from a customer also had a response right from steroids online canada looking to rectify the problem or ask for a tracking or order number, where it comes from or what the solution is to the issue I found that after reading that we could send all the packages from the USA I then decided to add a note on my order. I am a big fan of Steroids Canada and I am glad they have been working hard to keep us honest and transparent in the customer service that so many of our other internet retailers are not willing to give us, order steroids from greece. A quick review before we start: Stratos has had a history of giving out false shipping addresses for customers. This is known as "Dud Shipping", that is used in order to sell more steroids at a loss. If you receive a package that is shipped from a different address than what you had, just contact the carrier and ask for it to be re-shipped, order steroids from canada! We received two packages today that did not show a single trace of the steroid delivery address on the customs form. This was in the box the package was going to be sent in, but not the return address, so we had no way of knowing if this was a mistake or an incorrect address, order steroids in canada. The packages were returned to the sender, so this doesn't seem to be an issue for the rest of the steroids sent. The steroids we received today were 100% in compliance with the tracking system and shipping information provided as provided to us in our invoice, order steroids online from mexico. As of this moment Steroids Canada is still a steroid distributor and no steroids were sent from the USA to Canada. Stratos Canada is a well respected and highly respected steroids distributor out of Ontario, Canada, order steroids canada online. We pride ourselves on giving our customers the absolute best customer service we can offer and that includes delivering their orders as quickly and easily as possible. At this point at least in the case of the two packages we received, we are not looking to make a profit from steroids through our store, but rather trying to help our customers as best we can and ensuring their security, order steroids online from mexico. We will continue to offer our customers 100% satisfaction and will always strive to improve the way we do business. We promise we will give our clients a great experience whenever they come into Steroids Canada.
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